My private contribution to mentioned techniques described in page3,  is the below gearbox concept. I developed it as a complete unit where each piece must be synchronized to the rest in order to execute the desirable controlled motion. Size of gears implies changes in speed and torque and the driving motor is as usual the human teamwork. (A courtesy to my marine engineering background but obviously applicable to the whole business spectrum.)

In order to have an optimum performance of the Gearbox Management, you need to combine your capabilities in four fields:  1* A Positive attitude towards challenges and problems using your company and own values. 2* A resolution capacity based on your knowledge and experiences. 3* A methodological skill in organizational tasks with wise time and resource arrangement and  4* An effective and motivating communication with the rest of your team.


Projects gearbox

This business strategy is represented by 8 driven gears, the calculation of the size of each piece varies from project to project. Let´s focus on how to develop it.


1*- ANALYSIS: Each project starts with a research and assessment of the market needs or opportunities. Our experience and know-how should find solutions of value for our customers. Fear to uncertainty is one of the main limitations in any challenge, overcome yourself and then move forward to gain the trust of the rest. Apply the above KASH box resources in order to spread the required enthusiasm.

2*- TARGET: After a thorough brainstorming process about solutions a clear option should be selected. It is important to bear in mind our strength points compared to our competitors and the feasibility to achieve it according to our resources. You can apply the above mentioned SWOT tool for risk assessment.

3*- EXECUTION PLAN: This strategy makes the profile of measures for each department for the duration of the plan entering into details of critical tasks to undertake. An optimized workflow with clear priorities is mandatory. The explained SMART method should be a reference.

4*- REALIGNMENT OF RESOURCES: It is time to instruct/train and motivate the workteam. Commitment of members is crucial because any weak link in this gearbox will delay the progress. People performance drops when they are underused or overloaded. There must be a right balance between the level of challenge and the level of endeavour. A fishbone diagram with team worries can also help to provide a wider scope.

5*- KPIs: Development of tracking metrics are essential to monitor if the effords are being applied according to the roadmap. Deadlines fulfilment must be expired in date and new Key Performance Indicators redesigned to adjust unforeseen problems and events.

6*- PROJECT LAUNCHING: It is time to implement the measures and start the action at stage1 in all fields. Managers will have a long list of tasks to execute but using the Eisenhower matrix the daily agenda will flow smoothly and within the right course.

7*- FEEDBACK BALANCE: In order to monitor the benefit and the efficiency it is necessary to carry out balance of inputs/outcomes then returning to the company mission/vision described in the VMOST pyramidal structure to refocus the global approach.

8*- IMPROVEMENT: The perfection is an utopia because always there are ways for improvement but if the objective was properly calculated we have to bear in mind the Lean Management waste list in order to optimize the time and resources and minimize losses by unnecessary movement of: goods, persons, documents and speeches. Working and safety protocols must be well revised and, in some circumstances, apply the Pareto principle to reset the approach but considering it is not mathematically rigorous.


Productivity Excellence


So, as I started this website, chasing the Productivity Excellence is reached when the quantity of invested resources brings the expected quality outputs; rendering not just a benefit for the company (tangible or intangible assets) but usually an economical profit too.

Beyond all these techniques that without doubt will render brilliant results, there are 3 key parameters that are the engine of the smooth running towards the optimum productivity and it is the human attitude, dedication and passion. The presence of these skills are essential for the achievement of SUCCESS !!!

Work team Management:

The success of a network is mainly driven by individual developments more than the application of a single strategy. Leadership must have the ability to fuel the work-team motivation where some topics for each worker are relevant like: incentives, social recognition, interpersonal support, proper presentation of goals but even more important is to know how to catalyse a suitable environmental well-being  focused on the progress of meaningful personal or departments tasks. Overcoming our daily duties without feeling too close to the collapse edge, dramatically improves the self-confidence and perception of progress, enhancing the cooperation and the achievement of results. to the questions: are we the right persons/team? The objective is according to company´s mission?, do we have the proper resources to achieve the success?, is it worth trying?, etc.


– Winston Churchill


– Charles Darwin