My resume describes my professional trajectory, making references of the significant milestones of my career.

My portfolio describes how I overcame some major challenges, stripping my potential to go there and beyond.

In this page the aim pursued is to  expose the nature behind my behaviour in order you can understand who I am; marked by human aspects of the perspective of my life.

soft skill icon


hard and soft


hard skills



– EFFICIENT PLANNING: The capacity of synthesis combined with a logical organization of tasks if only effective when there is a clear management of priorites focused on the company phylosophy defined by MISSION, VISION and VALUES/ETHICS.

-METHODICAL APPROACH: In order to reach constant and consistent goals it is important to apply an ANALYTICAL mindset for building a thorough business strategy based on a broad Technical knowledge.

-RESULT ORIENTED: The productivity excellence is achieved when all the operational steps have been OPTIMIZED and monitored according to well defined KPIs. FEEDBACK are highly valuable inputs for IMPROVEMENT.

-RISK MANAGEMENT: Actions have consequences and in the real market implies a suitable assessment of our strong and weak points compared to others. The experience is the great compass driving your decisions.

sOFT Skills

– PUNTUALITY: It is more than arriving on time to meetings, it is a good signal about how you manage the time and your tasks, this implies a well-organized planning and at last but not least, demonstrate COMMITMENT and RESPECT to the time of others.

– RESILIENCE: It is the ability to control hopelessness against difficulties or stressful situations and persue your targets based on PATIENCE, CONSTANCY and self-MOTIVATION. One of the best examples of leaders to their teamworks.

– VERSATILITY: Describes the capacity to adapt to new challenges and FLEXIBILITY to work in different environments, out of the comfort zone and taking the INNITIATIVE to lead the solutions to problems and learn from them for IMPROVEMENT.

– EMPATHY WITH ASSERTIVENESS: A smart communication is the only way to success with your staff and customers. You need to train the ability to listen, understand the feelings of others and also show your INTEGRITY defending with respect and PASSION your opinion.


about gratitude

I consider that Gratitude is a state of grace generated by the willing of sharing well-being with equal benefit for those whom receive it and for those who are giving.

I hope the research, compilation and development work carried out for creating this website can be of help to others to achieve their goals to the success.

I believe that affection and abundance grow the more you share them and with this principle borns the ethic of being fair with those who help you in order not to distort the healthy ambition that join us.


JOSE SUCH: A Spanish marine engineer with 25 years experience in the inteRnational maritime business.

I like to spend my private time riding my motorcyle with friends, diving in summer time, mountain hiking in winter, unwrapping the soul with good music, reading about eternal questions like how and why we are here, merging cosmology and internal insight researches.

