THE FREE GUIDE TO ACHIEVE THE BUSINESS EXCELLENCEWelcome to my website where you can find the best tools to improve your business productivity in order to reach the top performance. These selected strategies will contribute to focus in the scheme of logical steps to optimize your time and resources. Management skills requires the ability to work under pressure controlling the emotions that block the solution to your problems and keeping a clear mind to see of all the options then by the use of proven methods you can take wise decisions and distribute action plans to your different team-works.
The other advantage of applying these tools is your own internal overhaul by the growth of your self-confidence and development of a new mindset for facing new challenges and where “failures” are just part of the inevitable learning stages towards to your targets.
I use them during my marine engineering professional life and this is the meaning you find in the cover a photo of a ship sailing full speed ahead as an example of a complete individual business unit. The GEARBOX MANAGEMENT page is my personal interpretation and adaptation of these techniques to practice in my professional life.
The excellence search implies a permanent attitude towards improvement and develops a resistance against inefficiency and organisational chaos. These PRODUCTIVITY KEY TOOLS do not solve problems by themselves and like in any engineering work, you need to use the right ones for each specific occasion and even though sometimes you have to adapt them to match your goals. The more you use them the higher the efficiency will be and soon will be part of your mental frameworks.